This page is formerly for setting up the foundation for this wiki. See the History of this page if you wish to view it. Now, this is a page for the Rules and Regulations that are obligatory to be followed by people who want to contribute to this wiki.
We highly advise you to read the whole article first before trying to edit or add pages.
Article Guidelines
- Veracity is a must in this wiki, always only add legitimate information that is directly or based from canon that is confirmed by the author. Be sure to verify information you wish to add to an article, as it may exist already or it may be illegitimate information, such as one's own headcanon. Also, each section of an article is devoted to summarize one thing so for example, don't add a character's appearance in the history section.
- Source information through references, as they exist for a reason. Provide valid evidence from official sources such as the original Web Novel, the Light Novel, Manga and etc. If a source cannot be found, the information added will be removed. However, don't add references to every sentence of the article. That's too excessive. Only add references to important details such as skills, equipment or history. Not only it is bad to look at, but it's also disorganized as well.
- Use proper grammar. This is a must. In order to get the best of articles, do your best to edit articles with proper English grammar and spelling, with no slang words as much as possible. Wrong grammar will be corrected by our staff in instances where it happens. Incorrect grammar that is blatantly added into the article is counted as vandalism.
- Limit summaries. Don't be redundant and specific in summarizing, especially in plot events and appearances. As much as possible, use brief descriptions. If you cannot, don't focus too much on little details and avoid repeating a phrase that's already in the description.
- Use links if needed. Don't use links too much in one paragraph, it's too excessive and repetitive. Only a small number of links is recommended in a paragraph.
- Neutrality is advised. When editing articles, don't pick sides. Favoring or underestimating a character just because they are weaker than another is not allowed when contributing to an article. Be neutral by only providing correct information, making it as explicit as possible in order to prevent bias.
- Always use third person. Don't refer directly to the reader and especially yourself. Same applies to characters, as there as should be proper section for that, which is quotes.
- Do not edit in rumors and speculations. This is pretty much explanatory. The wiki discussions and blog posts pretty much exists for talking about stuff like this.
- Add trivia. Specific information that does not fit elsewhere in the sections should be placed under the Trivia section. This can be many things, be it the inspiration of the author, references to other popular media, in-universe fun facts and etc. Obvious and redundant trivia, as well as theories and speculations, won't be accepted as adequate content and will be changed in the future.
- State a reason for editing. State your reasons for editing an article in the Edit Summary box for easier reviewing by our staff members.
- Avoid edit wars. It's a rash and childish thing to do. Don't spark wars by constantly reverting your edits, forcing them after someone had removed them, etc. If you have a disagreement, don't make a fuss out of it in the articles. If you are upset about something, just start a thread, a discussion or leave a message on that user's message wall.
- Vandalism is strictly prohibited. Offenders will be immediately banned from this wiki indefinitely. These following acts are considered vandalism on articles:
- Removing legitimate information or content.
- Blatantly adding your own headcanon and opinions, as well as rumors and speculations.
- Inserting nonsense, rants, incomprehensible gibberish, sexual content, profanity, spam and irrelevant or unrelated information.
- Rewriting a portion, or a whole page's content from English to another language. Currently, the wiki has no need for foreign translations until further notice, as the staff are still busy filling the articles with information about the plot.
File Guidelines
- Ensure the file is in its highest quality. Every image should be taken in the highest quality possible. If high-definition isn't accessible, make sure that the image could be seen clearly.
- Resolution is important. When taking screenshots on YouTube or Crunchyroll, 720p or above should be fine. Low-res images are allowed, as long is its contents can be seen.
- Images should have clarity. No logos, watermarks and everything similar should be attached to the image. Images that have the scene, equipment or character obscured are also not advised.
- All files should have the correct format. If a .png file as it is, don't change it into a .jpeg.
- Limit GIF usage. GIFs should only be used to demonstrate something, such as a skill of a character. A GIF is recommended to not be used for general purposes.
- GIF quality must be at best. Make sure a GIF flows smoothly and is high-quality. Slow, low FPS or laggy GIF files cannot be used and will be marked for deletion when found.
- Make sure of its relevance. A file that is in no way affiliated or related to the Bofuri series will be immediately marked for deletion. Fan art, memes and sensual images are also prohibited.
- Don't upload duplicates. This is self-explanatory. More of the same images can confuse other editors. Duplicates are expected to be deleted within one week of uploading.
- Proper naming. Each file should have a proper, comprehensible name, and not just a jumble of numbers and letters. Extremely long and unorganized file names are required to be changed.
- Limit the presence of subtitles. Don't show subtitles as much as possible, in order to make the scene more clearly and vividly. Take screenshots from a raw version of the anime, if available.
Only videos relevant to an article is kept. It should generally be trailers or previews. Excerpts, AMVs, full episodes are clearly not allowed unless required. Short clips can be turned into GIFs, if necessary.
Blogs, Discussions and Commenting
- Content is important. One-liner blogs or discussions are unnecessary. Make your point or discussion talks more substantial. Personal introductions for blogs are not advised. Keep every post you have relevant to Bofuri.
- Know the limitations. Discussions that are based or revolved around already existing and closed topics, far-fetched theories and questioning already legitimate information will be removed.
- Make sure it has relevance. Theories are created out of curiosity out of something, and they are permitted. However, keep your speculations within the boundaries of common sense, and has relevance to the plot of the story. Extremely weird or awkward theories won't be accepted as proper content. Otherwise, you already know the drill.
- Commenting. This is a major issue, especially in some articles. Such an example of a toxic comment section is Kanade's. Constant abuse and spam problems will force the staff to remove the comment sections from articles, so please don't overreact too much on things that shouldn't be worried about. Acting violently in any messaging system is highly prohibited. Offenders will be given proper punishment, which is about months to indefinite ban.
- Calm down with the quoting. Rather than quoting someone's entire post, just type [@User's Name] to refer to a specific user, if more than one commentator is present, or only quote the part you wish to address on a thread or a message wall using the tag <div class="quote">.
User Rights and Policies